YES Greg! I'm Ready To Close Luxury Level Properties & Take Over A Neighborhood By Using Your Customized Offline Marketing Funnel! 

By investing in this complete copywriting package, Greg's team will customize marketing pieces specific to you for ONE Neighborhood of your choice! You'll get detailed instructions and a timeline to follow regarding when to deploy each mail piece so you can begin taking over significant market share in your desired community! Mail for a whole year with the pieces provided & repeat year after year!

Here Is What's Included In Your Neighborhood Funnel

  • Multiple Postcard Offers with Strong CTAs & USPS
  • Training on Free Home Value Offers, How To Follow Up & Scripts
  • ​Jumbo Bi-Fold Neighborhood Market Update Brochure
  • ​Just Listed - Neighborhood Marketing Postcard Template
  • ​Just Sold - Neighborhood Marketing Postcard Template
  • ​Market Update Mailing Templates To Use Quarterly
  • ​​Neighborhood Newsletter Template to Add Your Monthly Content
  • ​Template for a Handwritten Letter to Neighborhood Residents
  • ​​Neighborhood Specific Free Home Value Opt-in Webpage with Custom Domain Prepaid for One Year
  • Complete Free Home Value Email Conversion Sequence
  • ​Ready to Use Unique Selling Proposition Contracts 
  • ​Timeline to Demonstrate Exactly How You'll Implement the Funnel
  • ​Timeline to Repurpose Pieces for Luxury, FSBO & Expired Mailings
  • ​Bonus Report for FSBOs Regarding Target Marketing & Cover Letter
  • ​Bonus Report for Expireds Regarding Target Marketing & Cover Letter
  • ​​A Complete Video Walk Through Of How To Use Your Funnel
  • ​A Google Drive Link To House Your Entire Funnel

PLUS Bonus Video Trainings

  • Learn all about CANVA: How to create your account, download and edit your templates for ongoing success!
  • Learn about Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM): How To choose your neighborhood routes and use the USPS site to execute your mailings!
  • Learn about QR Codes: How you can easily create QR Codes and add them to your marketing pieces making it easier for recipients to take action!
  • Learn about Unique Selling Propositions & Performance Guarantees: Greg gives you a personal walk through on exactly how to use these effectively in your business along with how to use the USP contracts we've provided to you! 
Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Step #2: Billing Address
Street Address:
State / Province:
Zip Code / Postal Code:
Step #3: Check out
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated
I understand that this is a custom project and we start working on it immediately so there can be no refunds regardless of circumstances.